Natalia Midler ACUPUNCTURE
Natalia Midler ACUPUNCTURE
Practiced for over 3000 years in China, acupuncture is now clearly recognized and well-documented in western medical journals and in medical institutions across the United States as beneficial for many types of physical and psychological concerns.
Acupuncture has been documented as an effective treatment for numerous health problems, including but not limited:
Addictions, allergies, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, back pain, chronic fatigue, chronic/acute pain, compromised immunity, depression, digestive problems, fertility, fibromyalgia, headaches, hot flashes, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, menopause, menstrual problems, migraines, musculoskeletal pain, nausea, neck pain, stress, stroke rehabilitation.
Because of its relatively low cost and its noninvasive nature, acupuncture has become a highly popular form of integrative health care. The acupuncturist looks at the whole person, not just at the symptom. So, one person with a headache may be treated differently from another person with a headache since the pain may be due to very different causes. If you treat only the symptom (ie: the pain) you run the risk of ignoring a potentially serious problem that may only show up after a great deal of damage (often irreversible) has been done.
Many people are curious about the mechanism of acupuncture. Healing is achieved through the insertion of very thin needles into specific points along the body. These acupuncture points are on energy pathways called meridians. Meridians run the length of our body carrying vital energy called Qi (pronounced 'chi'). Meridians, like rivers, flow and connect different aspects of the body. The acupuncturist is trained to assess where the channels of energy are blocked, and to open them so that energy may flow more freely and smoothly to support the body’s normal complex physiological processes. When healthy, rivers flow freely and evenly, but meridians, like rivers, can become stagnant or out of balance and may need help to regain their natural flow. Acupuncture treatments help restore the proper flow of energy throughout the body to establish a balanced system. When the body is in balance it is easier for the healing process to begin.
Western scientific studies show that acupuncture points have electrical properties and that the energy pathways are similar to the nervous system, but exactly how it works is still a mystery. Yet it was only about twenty years ago that science discovered how aspirin worked. Not knowing, however, never kept people from using it (or doctors from prescribing it) to make them feel better.
Acupuncture has been used successfully for 3000 years—the longest clinical trial in history!